Sunday, March 16, 2008


Palm Sunday.
A day where we celebrate the entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem. I don't know about any of you, but to me, Palm Sunday brings mixed emotions. I love the fact that Easter is so near, but if you think about it, today marks an occasion that happens right before the greatest suffering in history. It is good to celebrate, but we should also remember that before redemption comes the fire. Just a thought.

In church this morning, there were several ideas that were discussed in relation to Palm Sunday. One was that when the King comes, there should be a proper response from the people.
That response should be joyful, spontaneous, and filled with adoration. I'll be the first to admit that I've fallen into passivity. I've fallen into spiritual stoicism.
I know that being 'happy' and being 'joyful' are two very different things, but until our response to Christ has been turned around and pointed in the right direction, both the joy and the happiness that are found in Him will escape us.
Psalm 63: 2-5 talks about David's hunger for God. We need to have that hunger today. Far too often I 'snack' on the things of this world, when I could be full in Christ:

"I'm playing game boy standing in the middle of the Grand Canyon.
I'm eating candy sitting at a gourmet feast.
I'm wadding in a puddle when I should be swimming in the ocean.
Tell me, what's the deal with me?"

Another thing...I have a book of daily readings from the works of C.S. Lewis, and today's smacked me upside the head, here is a section of it...

Concerning Our Arithmetic --
We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you've taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.
We have all seen this when doing arithmetic. When I have started a sum the wrong way, the sooner I admit it and go back and start again, the faster I shall get on. There is nothing progressive about being pig headed and refusing to admit a mistake.
--from Mere Christianity

Wow. The service this morning, and this reading combined to whack me upside the head with something that has been long in coming:
Let go. Turn around. Come home.

Those three messages combined with the two already in my heart:

Be Open. Be Patient...

have thrown me into a whirlwind.
I've been wandering around the same issues for a long time now. Struggling with the same insecurities, hopes, dreams, situations...and I'm tired.
I know I've been guilty of twisting situations in my head. I've been so caught up in what I thought I needed, what I thought He was going to do in my life, that I've been missing reality.
I've been fighting for the wrong thing.
It's a strange feeling, I mean...I know the messages on my heart, but I have no idea how to incorporate them.
The only thing I can really let go...turn around...and begin my journey.

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