Monday, January 12, 2009

What is this feeling...

Been silent for far too long haven't I?

Well, Christmas break came and went. I had my best semester yet grade wise so that was fun although I'd love it if I didn't emotionally wear myself out to get to that point.
Classes start tomorrow for the spring semester, and I must say I'm less than enthusiastic to be here. I'd much rather be home...but...I'm not so I've got to make the best of this semester and keep pushing along the path God has me walking down.

So much is flying through my head right now. I was doing so much better emotionally...but I'm feeling like I'm falling again, and I know it is the enemy trying to steal my joy. I won't let that happen. I fell away from the peace of my God for too long and I'm fighting now to again rest in Jesus.

I've actually got high hopes for this semester...none of my classes look like they're going to be extremely challenging...just LOTS of work. I'm taking 18 credit heaviest load yet here. After this semester though I only need to take like 15 both semesters of my senior year to graduate so that's fun. I let myself get lost in all of life's distractions last semester and I suffered from that emotionally...

Anyway, another semester is upon me whether I like it or not it's better to go in with a positive attitude.

This is a learning pun intended.


Stefjenny said...

When you wrote Learning Experience it made me think of how Professor Stern refers to his tests as learning experiences. Anyways- we can do it! We need to have an actual date. Maybe that will make us feel better about being here..right? =)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...Stef's comment is so right!! Oh Stern....if all college classes were only that easy! I love you, and if you need a break just come by and I'll entertain you! Preferably with a cat toy, or maybe pushing your nose-button...hee hee!