Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Standing On The Edge

It's pretty insane how things change so quickly.

This past summer has been the source of joy, pain, of giving, taking, losing, gaining...

Life is crazy, mixed up and so unpredictable. Right now, I'm torn whether to laugh or cry because of that realization. I cannot control things. I cannot know the future, I don't know if the way my life is today will be the same until tomorrow. Our lives are fragile, that is what I learned this summer.

"I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a vapor in the wind, still You hear me when I'm calling. Lord You catch me when I'm falling and You told me who I am...
I am Yours."

I feel the call to let go and free fall into life. I can feel the tugging of my heartstrings towards the adventure of living. I cannot ignore this, and yet fear has me bound to comfort, to security.
My Jesus can break these chains, He hold the key. All I have to do is say the word and I'm free but I am a selfish person. I am afraid. I am unsure of the future...I do not want to fail miserably. I want to make the right decisions, I want to live the "right" way.
This could be my downfall.
I will not let fear overtake me.
I cannot be okay with being "comfortable."
I will NOT be settled into a corner with the sheets over my head.

I see through a faded glass. I know true beauty, true life waits...I catch glimpses of it in others...a flicker of invisible gold radiating in the smiles of those who have been set free.
I long for that
I ache for that
I hate being captured in a prison of my own making.

I don't want to hold back
I want to know, and be known.
I want to take a chance, a gamble
I want to experience the deep joy
And the wrenching pain that life entails

I am afraid
But I am not crippled by fear

I will not let my fears ruin what God has brought to me. I am ready to fight...

set me free.

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