Friday, May 30, 2008

Talking Helps...

Yesterday I got to spend time with one of my friends who I haven't been able to really see since school has been out. It was one of the best days I've had in a long time. Mostly, we talked...that's right...talked and talked, for about five hours actually. It was absolutely wonderful to be able to do that with her.

It was there, that I noticed and she agreed with me that I've changed over the past couple years. I mean I know I have, but it's another thing entirely to have someone tell you so. Things are getting better, and even she said she noticed the difference in my attitude and that was so wonderful. I admire her strength and extraordinary personality so much and it was great to hear from her, what she saw. :-)

So anyway, all that to say...talking through things helps. Yes, Stefanie, if you read this one you have full right to say 'I told you so' hehe. Things are changing, people are changing, and there are times when it's going to hurt to open yourself up by loving someone, whether it be a family member, a friend, or a romantic kind of love. It hurts. People will leave, they will change, but the cool thing is, that for how long or short of a time you have with them, they will leave a mark on your life.

That's one thing that I'm praying about this summer, that I will leave the right kind of mark on people. It's so easy to get wrapped up in how you 'feel' that you totally miss the wonderful oppertunities and people around you. I don't want to miss it...I want to grab onto life with both hands and count each moment a blessing.

The battle is raging, the storm is howling, but the arms of my Savior, I can find the strength to fight, and the peace to endure, and the love to withstand the pain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read this...I never read your blog before..but I just happened to stumble upon it..I love you Alysha..But remember be open to opening those walls, but dont do it until someone is worth it. Remember as you said before..let them storm your castle..girls too! Let them prove to be good enough to gain your trust! :)