Friday, April 11, 2008

The Winds of Change...

...And I'm still alive!

These past couple of weeks have been absolutely insane. I've been doing tests and papers plus going through Tech Week for One Acts up here at school. Whew...

Opening night for the show was last night, however; and it went very well for an opening. The audience was small but very responsive and supportive so that was encouraging. I can't wait to get back out there again for the final three performances.

I've also been doing a great deal of pondering lately. I've said that God has been doing some stuff in my life...and that's been good, hard but definitely needed. He's drawing my heart back to Him and I'm so thankful for that. He's also helped me to loosen up quite a bit about certain issues. It's still hard, and I'm still having some trouble about letting Him handle things, but it's getting better. As the song says:
"I'm not who I was when I took my first step...I'll walk through the fire if you want me to."

On a different note:
My SIP (Senior Integration Project) has been APPROVED! Now you might be thinking "senior? But you're not even out of sophomore year, isn't that a bit early?" I'm planning on doing a joint SIP with one of my friends who is a music major up here, and my idea involves me writing an adaptation for the stage...and those of you who know me and my writing habits...know that I have to start this early if it's going to be finished in time without causing me undue amounts of stress. I'm really excited about it though, and I'm looking forward to working on it this summer.

Hmm... speaking of summer...less than three weeks and I'll be home! I can't believe this semester is almost over...and that I'll be a junior in's pretty crazy...but in a good way.

So I'm going to do something new this time, and I'm not sure if I'll keep doing it...because I'm not really sure anyone reads this...but I'm going to recommend some things to you:

Movie of the week:
Dan in Real Life - Comedy/Drama starring Steve Carell. It's a great story with a fantastic cast.

Musician(s): Chris Rice, and Plumb. Both wonderfully talented on the lyric aspect of things.

Well I think that's about all for now...

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