Monday, March 10, 2008


I'm sitting here at my computer desperately trying to make myself work on a screenplay that is supposed to be finished in about a week and a half. I do want to work on it, and I'm excited about my story, the problem is that right next to the desk, sitting in all their glory, are about thirteen movies that I'm borrowing that I really want to watch. Now, the age old question flutters through my consciousness...should I work on the screenplay and be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment, or should I watch one of the movies and hope that I will have time later to work on the screenplay.
Procrastination. An ugly disease that afflicts the strongest of souls. Even people with the best intentions succumb to its alluring qualities. Why do something now...when you can brush it off for a more amusing option and end up pressed for time later wondering why you didn't just do the silly thing in the first place. Quite the scene...
Logic: Well, I could do the screenplay now, I had already planned on doing it tonight. Just work on it for a little while and then you can watch a movie.
Opposing View: Ah, sheesh...forget about the screenplay for tonight. You've had a full day and you worked on it a little bit earlier. Watch a movie. It'll be fine.
Logic: I need to be productive. I should work on the screenplay
Opposing View: Come ON. How much could you really get done in an hour or two?
Logic: Enough...

And on this goes for who knows how long. At this point, if you are wondering if I am schizophrenic, then answer is no. I'm...well...something...hopefully amusing at the very least.
What will I do you may wonder...will I follow logic, or fall into the trap of procrastination...
The answer...
I have no idea....and yes I am aware that by writing all of this I have procrastinated the procrastination...
Yeah, I'm talented.

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